报告题目:Continuous symmetries and multisymplectic conservation laws on the variational bicomplex
报告人:彭林玉 博士
报告摘要: Continuous symmetries are essential for the solvability and integrability of differential equations. In this talk, I will give a fundamental introduction to symmetry methods for differential equations, in particular a coordinate-free manner of symmetries, multisymplectic conservation laws and Noether’s theorem using the variational bicomplex.
报告人简介:彭林玉博士毕业于英国萨里大学 (University of Surrey),现为日本早稻田大学高等研究所的助理教授。主要研究领域为微分和差分方程的几何与代数结构,比如对称性、守恒量、可积性、辛结构、迪拉克结构等。在Advances in Mathematics, Studies in Applied Mathematics等SCI检索期刊上发表学术论文十余篇。